Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fast and Furious

Jessica sent me both these cards last April, after traveling for three weeks she was back to her work schedule.  Jessica never has much free time with her job, but she was trying to find ways to enjoy what little she had.  She wrote about meeting a friend for concert, trying to connect with a potter and spending time drawing in this park.  Nkrumah Memorial Park is a typical developing world park from what she described, well maintained, fenced off, and full of interesting people watching.  I like the way her sketches are loose and fast while still giving a lot of detail- hope that comes across in the scans of the drawings too. 
  What are you up to in your free time, making any time for being creative? 

1 comment:

  1. Very little time to be creative... I have been feeling a bit buried in obligations of late. Today, however, I have decided to adopt and adapt the Easter concept of rebirth by spending this evening drawing.

    Which reminds me. This past week I was discussing US Easter traditions with my Ghanaian staff from the north (where many regularly face food shortages). It was hilarious trying to explain to them that we hide eggs, since the idea of hiding food to only find it again sounds more than a little bizarre - as did the concept of American children gorging themselves with chocolate. When I asked what they did Easter weekend they looked at me as if I was stupid - mourn Jesus of course.

    It is nice to have a reality check now and then, isnt it?
