Around this time Jessica was visiting last year and we were able to meet for a day in Traverse City. We had plans to do a lot, but ended up eating good food and doing a lot of talking. It was great. She showed me some cut outs that she planned to turn into cards- this was one!
She writes that she mailed it before heading back to Ghana. She had a great time in DC for New Year's feeling nourished by time with friends and by the time with family in TC. Isn't that what the holidays are supposed to be for? Hope yours was!
I have to point out that the picture behind is of roller coaster tracks. While at home last winter, I was fascinated, again, with snow covered branches. One morning, mom and I drove out on Old Mission Peninsula to go for a walk and have some drawing time out by the light house. On the way there the woods were absolutely stunning, covered in snow. That evening, I went home and found these tracks in one of the many magazine my artist mother had collected. I could not help but seeing the forest in tracks. A fun process and winter memory.