Monday, November 29, 2010


Last year around this time Jessica was moving to a new country for a new job.  She didn't want to store anything for when she got back, so she was selling, sorting, and then packing up just a few things.  Jess was having trouble both getting a sub-leaser and selling some furniture.  She drew this card to capture her mood!  I love the details in this card each time I look at it I see some other silly item like a birdcage or 1950's style TV. 
Its funny that this year, around the same time, I am moving.  Although its just across town I too feel like the girl on this card- suddenly surrounded by possessions coming out of the woodwork needing to be packed or tossed! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Lynn writes on the back of this card that she planned to visit my mom over the holiday weekend knowing that Thanksgivings had become a bit of a sad time for her, since the loss of the family Christmas tree farm. As a kid, Thanksgiving meant the start of the tree season. Car loads of people would come to my aunt and uncle's city tree lot and out to the farm to cut their own trees the day after Thanksgiving. We would all help to prepare for the crowds and spend the entire weekend in the cold selling trees. It made the meal my mom and grandmother made taste that much better. I distinctly remember sitting on the piano bench next to my cousin eating blueberry pie, my cheeks burning from the wind. Blissfully happy. A true harvest celebration.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Turkey for Lunch

Jessica started out this card with visions of carving a Thanksgiving turkey.  Instead, it turned out to be a brown bag lunch.  I hope you can see a bit of the 3-D texture from this card, very cool.

First she wrote some fun facts about Jaime Oliver's school lunch project and a few other health and calorie factoids.  Then, Jess wrote about her own penny pinching efforts- spending the weekend cooking things to bring to work for lunch.  She then admitted it wasn't saving much, because "I love produce"  And we all know that produce, tofu, tempeh and other healthier options are pricey. 

What a fun accident that her turkey card turned into a lunch because I sure heard a lot about what she'd been up to based on her theme- stuff I'm not sure she would have emailed about or mentioned in a phone call.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A ray of hope for Detroit

Lynn saw this image in her rear view mirror last fall and ran home to draw it. She found it ironic that this this beautiful image showed up in a reflection of downtown Detroit, especially since the city's decay is all that you see in the media.

For Lynn, this card also demonstrated that our card project had strengthened her creative muscle. She was getting stronger. She had an idea and she went home and drew it - just like that.